Experience freedom.

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (N.A.E.T.)

with Lisa Madigan, R.N.

Call (602) 309-3788 for your initial consultation today. The first appointment will include a medical history, explanation of NAET and a treatment. Feel better today!


Who would you be without fatigue, low energy, or brain fog? What could you accomplish without fear or other emotions holding you back?

Lisa Madigan, R.N., certified N.A.E.T. practitioner can help bring you back to balance.

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What is energy medicine?

Energy medicine and energy therapies such as NAET and PEMF are branches of complementary medicine based on the electro-chemical foundation of our bodies and the consciousness housed within. Health is never static; we are dynamic processes and patterns that are interrelated and whole. Health is more than the bits of data collected at a single moment from physical tests of our individual parts (organs or blood). It is the quality of the relationships of the parts, including our awareness, that determines our health. The mind and body are intrinsically unified, as shown by noticing what happens to your blood pressure when you are suddenly frightened. The goal of NAET, PEMF, and lifestyle changes is to bring back a “flowing balance” and harmony in the body and mind.

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About N.A.E.T.

A Revolutionary Solution

Through the innovative process of Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (N.A.E.T.), allergies can be treated in a natural, painless and non-invasive way. This method is safe for newborns, infants, the elderly, coma patients and even pets.

NAET can be used to treat unrecognized allergies that could cause illness or disease later in life. And NAET can complement allopathic (conventional) medical therapies requiring the use of pharmaceutical drugs, such as antibiotics, chemotherapy and radiation.

What is N.A.E.T.?
NAET uses a blend of testing, energy balancing and treatment procedures from kinesiological, acupuncture/acupressure, nutritional, chiropractic and allopathic disciplines of medicine.

Learn Self-Treatment Techniques
Rarely is someone allergic to just one substance. It is usually a number of allergens that have caused your immune system to become weakened to the point that you are experiencing symptoms. NAET treatments typically address one allergen at a time. By learning self-treatment techniques, your cost for your healing program can be reduced and your travel for in-office visits can be minimized. Lisa monitors and directs the course of your treatments to assure that you have cleared the prioritized allergen without uncomfortable healing reactions.

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Why Allergy Elimination?

An Allergy is a disorder of the immune system which occurs from environmental substances known as allergens. An allergic reaction can come from just about anything: food, drinks, drugs, herbs, vitamins, clothing, jewelry, chemicals, paint, silicone, latex, pollen, grasses, etc. Allergies are understood to be an unusual sensitivity to certain substances. Although the term "Allergy" has been widely used in the medical profession and the public sphere for decades, knowledge about the nature of allergies and their implications is still in its infancy.

Many people continue to think of allergies simply as a limited group of symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, hives and asthma or hay fever. However, allergies can actually produce a weakening effect in the body that interferes with optimal health. Child behavioral problems, as well as autistic behavior, are often a response to many allergic stimuli at one time and are treatable. Fortunately, increasing numbers of health professionals are beginning to recognize allergic reactions as factors in most illnesses.

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How does a person or animal develop allergies to a substance?

An allergy may result from numerous causes, including exposure to a particularly strong or toxic substance over a period of time. Repeated exposure to even a mild substance may exhaust the body's immune defenses to resist that substance or situation’s effects on the body. An allergic reaction may also result from events such as trauma, major surgery, an anesthetic event, vaccinations, as well as emotional stresses such as change in habitat, weaning, or change in family members (human or animal)..


What are 'hidden' allergies and allergens?

Hidden or chronic allergies can cause severe developmental and functional problems, deficiencies, or chemical imbalances. For example, an allergy to B vitamins can cause B vitamin deficiencies and result in chronic health problems such as chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms, illness m.e., autism, ADHD, chronic asthma, fibromyalgia, digestive disturbances, psoriasis, eczema, depression, and headaches. An allergic response to calcium can cause joint or arthritic problems. When vitamin B or calcium are cleared, the body can begin assimilating these crucial nutrients for the first time, and quickly replenish the depleted stores to restore good health.

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Your four-legged family.

Lisa is passionate about leading the best life for all beings, and that includes your pets! Lisa is one of the few NAET specialty practitioners that has almost two decades of working with animals in a holistic, integrative approach.

Through a combination of NAET, diet, exercise recommendations, and botanicals, Lisa guides your pet to optimal health!